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How does the process work?The first step is an initial meeting during which we get to know each other a bit, discuss what you’re looking for in your ceremony, and determine if I’m the right officiant for you. This initial meeting usually lasts about 30-60 minutes and can take place in person (my preference), or via phone, Hangouts, Skype, etc. If we all agree that we’re a good match, I’ll send you a simple agreement that outlines basic responsibilities and obligations. Return the contract with a 50% deposit and we’re on our way. I’ll then send you a questionnaire asking you some questions about some logistics, as well as your preferences/wants/needs for the ceremony. You’ll answer all of those questions as a couple. There is, however, one question that you’ll each answer individually: tell me the story of how you met and got from that day to deciding to spend your lives together. Once I have your responses, we’ll set up another meeting to go over everything. I’ll likely have some follow up questions for you, and will gladly answer any questions you may have for me. This meeting usually takes about 90 minutes, and usually gives me all the information I need to write your ceremony. If, for any reason, another meeting (or meetings) is required, I’m happy to sit down with you again. Whatever it takes to get it right. In addition to the above, I’m at your service for any questions, consultations or to help in whatever way I can.
How much time is involved?Estimated meeting times are included in the response to the previous question. As far as timeline goes, ideally, I have everything I need from you no later than one month prior to your wedding date. You’ll be very busy those last few weeks and I want to stay out of your way so you can focus on everything else. Depending on how quickly you’re able to complete and return your questionnaire responses to me, everything can be done in a matter of weeks, or over the course of several months. I’m happy to work with your schedule. If you need someone last-minute or on short notice, don’t hesitate to get in touch. I can usually condense this timeline to match yours.
How far are you willing to travel?How far do you want to go? I love to travel! There is no additional charge for weddings within two hours driving time of the Boulder/Denver area (that includes Estes Park to the north and as far west as the Vail Valley). However, if a rehearsal is scheduled for the previous day, I will require one night of lodging for weddings more than one hour driving time from Boulder/Denver. Further distances would require an additional night’s stay and a $50 surcharge for fuel. If you’re planning to get married somewhere beyond Colorado, I’m open to that too. Let’s talk.
What does “non-denominational” mean?As a non-denominational officiant, I do not perform ceremonies based in a specific religion. However, I have done plenty of weddings where the couple wanted to include something religious. In those cases, we typically identify an attending friend or family member to give a reading. I am happy to be as traditional or creative as you want to be. I perform union ceremonies for all couples, in any combination of gender, color, religion or otherwise.
How much does it cost?My standard fee for a custom, personalized wedding ceremony is $1200. This includes all meetings, consultations, questions and anything else you need during the process, as well as a rehearsal, certificate signing and returning the marriage certificate to the county clerk’s office. (See above “travel” question for information on travel fees, where applicable.) If you want something less personalized, we can talk about a simpler ceremony for a reduced fee.
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